お知らせ/What’s new!
平成28年12月3日/on December the 3rd,2016
Today,“ARCOBALENO”,the mandolin courses of the music school in ISEKI GAKKI,INC. held the 10th concert,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the players on its pamphlets.But the next persons are never connected with us.You should take precautions against their fabrications.
平成27年9月12日/on September the 12nd,2015
Today,“ARCOBALENO”,the mandolin courses of the music school in ISEKI GAKKI,INC. held the 9th concert,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the players on its pamphlets.But the next persons are never connected with us.You should take precautions against their fabrications.
平成26年9月14日/on September the 14th,2014
Today,“ARCOBALENO”,the mandolin courses of the music school in ISEKI GAKKI,INC. held the 8th concert,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the players on its pamphlets.But the next persons are never connected with us.You should take precautions against their fabrications.
平成26年5月26日/on May the 26th,2014
Today,Sapporo art festival held “the mandolin festival 2014”,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the player on its pamphlets.But the next person is never connected with us.You should take precautions against her fabrication.
平成25年9月16日/on September the 16th,2013
Today,“ARCOBALENO”,the mandolin courses of the music school in ISEKI GAKKI,INC. held the 7th concert,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the players on its pamphlets.But the next persons are never connected with us.You should take precautions against their fabrications.
平成24年11月8日/on November the 8th,2012
We have nothing to do with the party whitch has confusing name like “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” established in 1973 appeared in the page 2 of the bulletin №231 of the HOKKAIDO branch of JAPAN MANDOLIN UNION(J.M.U.) on November the 6th,2012.You should take precautions against the fabrications.
平成24年9月15日/on September the 15th,2012
Today,“ARCOBALENO”,the mandolin courses of the music school in ISEKI GAKKI,INC. held the 6th concert,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the players on its pamphlets.But the next persons are never connected with us.You should take precautions against their fabrications.
平成23年9月23日/on September the 23rd,2011
Today,“ARCOBALENO”,the mandolin courses of the music school in ISEKI GAKKI,INC. held the 5th concert,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the players on its pamphlets.But the next persons are never connected with us.You should take precautions against their fabrications.
平成22年9月23日/on September the 23rd,2010
Today,“ARCOBALENO”,the mandolin courses of the music school in ISEKI GAKKI,INC. held the 4th concert,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the players on its pamphlets.But the next persons are never connected with us.You should take precautions against their fabrications.
平成21年7月1日/on July the 1st,2009 弊会CDの利用について/About the utilization of our CD
We identified the fact that the members of a certain mandolin orchestra which will hold the concert this year copied the recording of the performance in our CD without our permission and distributed among their gang to follow the pattern by “unknown” performer.
We are supplying our CD as nonprofit matters for amateurs to program the concerts or to get the knowledges,so we never permit their utilization cause their conductor and soloist are professional.
We are disgusted at the condition that the orchestra inclusive of professional conductor and soloist uses amateur performance to follow the pattern or their ability of musical criation which necessitates to use the CD.We will open the name of the orchestra depending upon the attitude of its members after this warning.
平成21年5月24日/on May the 24th,2009
The HOKKAIDO branch of JAPAN MANDOLIN UNION made “the schedule about the coming mandolin-concerts in 2009” on the papers and distributed them at 2009 SAPPORO MANDOLIN FESTIVAL today.But the staffs of the branch had never confirmed our comment.They fabricated the wrong information about us to distributed the papers at the festival the year before last and seriously troubled us.But they never take the responsibility on themselves and resign or apologize to us.It is much to be regretted that the staffs enforced the impudence as before.
平成20年12月1日/on December the 1st,2008 CD頒布の御案内/How to get our recordings?
御希望の方は以下のページを御覧下さい。 → click!
You can get the live recording of our 34th regular concert on November the 1st,2008 by Audio CD at actual expenses.
But sorry,the reception of the order in English is now preparing.
平成20年5月18日/on May the 18th,2008
The HOKKAIDO branch of JAPAN MANDOLIN UNION made “the schedule about the coming mandolin-concerts in 2008” on the papers and distributed them at 2008 SAPPORO MANDOLIN FESTIVAL today.But the staffs of the branch had never confirmed our comment.They fabricated the wrong information about us to distributed the papers at the festival last year and seriously troubled us.But they never take the responsibility on themselves and resign or apologize to us.We requestsed the sponsors of the festival to qualify the information only about the concerts by the participants in the festival or the branch.It is much to be regretted that the staffs ignored the counsel by the sponsors and enforced the impudence.
平成20年1月9日/on January the 9th,2008
We presented the CD of our 33rd regular concert on last November the 4th to the composers,and today we received the letter from Ms.Elke Tober-Vogt,the owner of The Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz.We are much obliged that her praised our performances including her work.Her concert tour to Japan in winter 2008-2009 is in the planning now,so we wish to meet her.
平成19年12月19日/on December the 19th,2007
We presented the CD of our 33rd regular concert on last November the 4th to the composers,and we received e-mail from Mr.Dominik Hackner today.He favored our performances and told us precious information about German mandolin circles.Let us express our thanks to him for his friendliness.
平成19年12月14日/on December the 14th,2007
We presented the CD of our 33rd regular concert on last November the 4th to the composers,and we received the letter from maestro Herbert Karl Wilhelm Baumann today.We feel very happy that our performance gained his favor.We will devote ourselves to better performances.
平成19年11月20日/on November the 20th,2007 CD頒布の御案内/How to get our recordings?
御希望の方は以下のページを御覧下さい。 → click!
You can get the live recordings of our 32nd regular concert on November the 5th,2006 and the 33rd regular concert on November the 4th,2007 by Audio CD at actual expenses.
But sorry,the reception of the order in English is now preparing.
平成19年11月11日/on November the 11st,2007
Today,“ARCOBALENO”,the mandolin courses of the music school in ISEKI GAKKI,INC. held the 1st concert,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profile of the player on its pamphlets.But the next person is never connected with us.You should take precautions against his fabrication.
平成19年10月16日/on October the 16th,2007
We identified the year of death of Quinto Fabbri,the Italian composer,whoes life had not been clearly known in Japan.We added the data to the related contents on our library.We are still investigating the year of his birth.
平成19年10月8日/on October the 8th,2007
http://www2.odn.ne.jp/sapporotokeidai/ensoukai.htm にある問題の3氏のプロフィールから弊会の名称記載が削除されたことを確認しました。サイト管理者をはじめとする関係諸氏の御配慮に感謝申し上げます。
We identified the deletion of our name from the profiles of 3 problem persons on the page http://www2.odn.ne.jp/sapporotokeidai/ensoukai.htm.Many thanks to the all participants including its webmaster.
平成19年9月28日/on September the 28th,2007
「平成19年度第26回時計台まつり記念行事」第4弾として本日開催された「マンドリン五重奏演奏会」の出演者に関して、主催者のホームページ( http://www2.odn.ne.jp/sapporotokeidai/ensoukai.htm )等にあるプロフィール中に弊会「札幌シンフォニカ・マンドリーノ」の名称が記載されていますが、以下の3氏は現在、弊会とは一切関わりありませんので御注意下さい。
Today,“the mandolin-quintet concert” was held as the 4th anniversary event in “the 26th SAPPORO-CLOCK-TOWER festival,2007”,and our name of “MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO” appeared in the profiles of the players to take the instance on the page http://www2.odn.ne.jp/sapporotokeidai/ensoukai.htm in the sponsor’s website.But the next 3 persons are never connected with us.You should take precautions against their fabrications.
平成19年9月17日/on September the 17th,2007 メッセージ(祝電と同文)/the massage by telegram
日本マンドリン連盟本部顧問 森田 太郎
To the members of the mandolin-club in MURORAN HIGH SCOOL OF COMMERCE,for their last concert
I feel deep mortification at the end of your activities with a history,but your youthful radiances in the club will never fade away.
Let’s take prides to play after your graduation with the glories.
It will be sure to revive another day,I believe.
TARŌ MORITA,the adviser of the headquarters of JAPAN MANDOLIN UNION
平成19年7月22日/on July the 22nd,2007
We identified the year of death of Lodovico Mellana-Vogt,the Swiss composer,that was under the investigation.We also identified the year of birth of Illuminato Culotta and the year of death of Silvio Travaglia,the Itarian composers,and addapted them to maintain the related contents on our library.
平成19年6月26日/on June the 26th,2007
Maestro Sandro Cuturello,the conductor of ORCHESTRA ITALIANA NAPOLETANA said that their mandolinists Valdimiro Buzi and Emanuele Buzi are the grandsons of the late famous mandolinist Giuseppe Anedda(1912-1997),and Emanuele also said so.They are now on Japanese tour till July the 8th,let’s go to their concerts!If you will be able to meet them after the concert,you may be lucky.
平成19年6月21日/on June the 21st,2007
We identified the year of birth of Nunzio Li Causi,the Italian composer,whoes life had not been clearly known in Japan.We addapted the data to maintain the related contents on our library.We are still investigating the year of his death.
平成19年5月1日/on May the 1st,2007
「 森田太郎さん、田中稔夫さんにJMU表彰
The description about our leader TARŌ MORITA appeared in the page 2 of the bulletin №198 of the HOKKAIDO branch of JAPAN MANDOLIN UNION(J.M.U.) on May the 1st,2007.We must assert our opinion against its hypocrisy.Next you find the quoted description.
< J.M.U. gave the testimonials to TARŌ MORITA and TOSHIO TANAKA
You had trusted our staff to solve the problem how to recommend Mr.TARŌ MORITA,the former chairman of our branch,and Mr.TOSHIO TANAKA,the ex-chairman,as the persons of merit to J.M.U..The HOKKAIDO branch of J.M.U. recommended them as the advisers of the headquarters and requested to give them the testimonials of J.M.U..Those subjects were recognized on March the 3rd,2007,and we made short publication on our last bulletin.
Mr.TARŌ MORITA is the old boy of CIRCORO MANDOLINISTICO AURORA in HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY.After his graduation,he established mandolin clubs in SAPPORO KAISEI HIGH SCHOOL and SAPPORO ASAHIGAOKA HIGH SCHOOL in where he labored.He established MANDOLINO SINFONICO DI SAPPORO in 1973 and trained mandolinists in large numbers,and now they take active positions not only in HOKKAIDO but also in various domestic places.He also established MANDOLINO MERIDIANO and eagerly trains the housewives.He inported many works from foreign countries and gave their first performances,eberybody know his passion.He became the member of JAPAN MANDOLIN UNION in 1969 soon after its establishment,and successively hold the assistant chief secretary or other important seats of the HOKKAIDO branch.He was inaugurated as the chairman of the branch in 1994,and using his influence for the prosperity of the mandolinmusic for five years during his service.
Mr.TOSHIO TANAKA established mandolin club in HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION SAPPORO in 1954 and got the seat of the chairman of its alumni association soon after his graduation.He is still remaining the position and managing the association or leading his juniors.He was the member of SAPPORO PLECTRUM ENSEMBLE and conducting it under the late Mr.KATSUTARŌ KUSHIMA after 1976.He was inaugurated as the leader after KUSHIMA’s death,then he showed his ability to maintain and bring up his organization.He was the chairman of the branch for six years after 1999,and using his influence for the prosperity of the mandolinmusic.
Their actions and efforts are well known in HOKKAIDO,and we decided to give them our spetial thanks anew.We considered their celebration as same style in last year,but both declined our offer.Then we may gave you the information here.>
The staff wrote the description without the comment of TARŌ or us,then we find the misrepresentations,for example,TARŌ established his ensemble in 1974,never in 1973,or he established some ensembles in other high schools.If you read his achievements and skill between the lines,you may have a suspicion why he resigned his position of the chairman after few years since his inauguration.
During his service,the conspirators including active directors of the branch always obstructed his policies.He lost the election in February,1999,he directly broke off the relations with the branch and refused the participation in his ensemble by the staff members,because he felt his musical ideal could not rouse sympathies in HOKKAIDO.TOSHIO TANAKA was the winner of that election,and his policies were incompatible with TARŌ of course.Terefore it was improbable that both TARŌ and TOSHIO TANAKA used their influence for the prosperity of the mandolinmusic in HOKKAIDO.By the way,TOSHIO TANAKA said the former elections were unfair,so he abolished the system of election and made the committee to command the selection in secret after his inauguration.
The next persons had been selected by the committee as the directors and now they are active.SHŌICHI KITAYAMA criticized TARŌ’s absence from the reception of the entertainment with the support of the branch in 1997 soon after the surgery to TARŌ’s heart.TARŌ restored to health after the surgery,but SHŌICHI KITAYAMA mentioned the disqualification at the general meeting of the branch.In spite of TARŌ’s refusal,SHŌICHI KITAYAMA and MASANORI ABE unreasonably participated in our ensemble when we held the 30th concert in 2004.HIDEO SHIBUYA had been also refused his participation in our ensemble after his inauguration,but he maneuvered the members of our affiliated but independent ensemble MANDOLINO MERIDIANO DI SAPPORO for his return,they threatened TARŌ with secession,and exposed themselves to disunion.They praised TOSHIO TANAKA and we feel it natural by their criminal hostilities toward TARŌ,but we can never understand why they praised TARŌ who has incompatible policies and musical ideal with TOSHIO TANAKA.
Anyway,TARŌ may decline their celebration,and their hypocrisy should disgust him,you know.
平成19年4月28日/on April the 28th,2007
We identified the year of birth of Lodovico Mellana-Vogt,the Swiss composer,whoes life had not been clearly known in Japan.We addapted the data to maintain the related contents on our library.We are still investigating the year of his death.
平成19年4月17日/on April the 17th,2007
We identified the year of birth and death of Giuseppe Filippa,the Italian composer,whoes life had not been clearly known in Japan.We addapted the data to maintain the related contents on our library.
Copyright©札幌シンフォニカ・マンドリーノ/Mandolino sinfonico di SAPPORO,All Rights Reserved.